Monday, July 7, 2014

Hi again

It's weird to think that this is my last summer as a high school student.
I'll be graduating next May and you don't know how excited I am. Junior year was a grueling year of pure and utter turd. School wise I mean. Socially, junior year has been one of the best years of school I've ever trudged through.

I should also apologize for not being active for over a year now. With school, I haven't been able to make time for this. I have been keeping a small Moleskin notebook at my sides always on which I will be doing a post about later (No promises though).

Basic outline of h-e-l-l double hockey sticks:

  • Creative Writing: probably one of the best classes I've ever taken. Ever. 
  • AP English Language: I can't begin to tell you how many trees were mercilessly wasted here
  • Spanish III: Gracias a Dios, este es el último año que nunca voy a tener que tomar esta clase
  • Honors Chemistry: A downward spiral of confusion and disappointment
  • Drawing: Deepening my appreciation with little details more and more each day
  • APUSH: It's like if Aphrodite ran the Underworld
  • Sacrament/ Social Justice: Debates and "what ifs" 
  • Calculus: The front seat in the middle row is the worst seat in the ENTIRE CLASSROOM
And on top of that, I frightened 8th graders while giving them tours of my school, played (and lettered (I know... I can't believe it either)) on my school's first ever golf team, laughed until I peed my pants on the Comedy Sportz team which is a competitive improv team filled with the cutest bunch of girls you've ever seen, shimmed for over 10 consecutive seconds while smiling and making awkward eye contact in the school's musical for the second year in a row, and was the junior class dictator, I mean president which you can imagine was interesting... But hey I'll be the senior class president this coming school year so I must have done something right?

Here is a list of 7 other things that happened:
  • I got a boyfriend!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha yeah his name is Cameron! We've been talking for about a little over a year now and things are really good. Really really good. 
  • I cut my hair off. I now sport a pixie haircut that I don't plan on growing out anytime soon.
  • I developed an eating disorder which I continue to struggle with, but things are slowly starting to look up. 
  • My friend, Susan, got her license and car and this one time when our school was on fire, we told my mom we were going to the bookstore, but we ended up going to Downtown L.A. Another time, we were driving through a residential neighborhood in Pasadena really late at night and "Sometime Around Midnight" came on and we were both really quiet and we blasted the song and it was just like as if we were in one of those teenage movies from the 80s or 90s. We also went to Disneyland on a rainy day and let me tell you, those are the best days to go to Disneyland. Oh god, but this one time we got chicken nuggets at McDonalds... Not a pretty sight. 2 girls, 40 nuggets, 1 sauce, 5 minutes. We've snuck out so many times and it still puzzles me how we haven't been caught yet. Knocking on wood we never do. 
  • I got a volunteer position in the European art gallery at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend going there.
  • I started running with my dog in the evenings
  • I found that I want to double major in agriculture and international relations, and minor in education. 
But anyways that'll be it for now. I have the last chapter of "The Kite Runner" waiting for me and I must tend to it! 

It's good to be writing here again. 

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